Faroe day 4
aug 14 sun
it's just 4 days we're here and it feels a fortnight… we took the bus to Tórshavn at 8.00 this morning and found our hostel to check in. we're staying at the Bládypi, very nice and in the heart of town, with a pub just down the road -always useful- :) the cost is DKR 650 for a twin room, including breakfast and bed linen and towels. nearly a hotel setting.
we had a tour of the town and it looks really nice, a busy port and well windswept. almost everything is closed, being sunday, but restaurants will open tonight, so we'll be trying some local specialities. later on we will make a plan on how to go about these next 10 days to see if it's better to have our base here and move around or if we should move on to another part of the islands.
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