Friday, 14 August 2015

Week-end in Trento

25-26 August

I completely forgot to mention a 2-day visiting and conoeing in Trento...
being splashed under the fountain, Trento
I drove from Turin Saturday morning and reached Trento in the afternoon, when I met with my friends there and had a short visit of the town just before dinner.

The day after, Sunday, we had a canoe trip planned in Val di Non - it was the first time I sat on a canoe and I absolutely loved it! It was one of those sit-on-top kayaks and I teamed up with my friend Paola, who took the pictures while I was paddling. A thoroughly enjoyable day, and certainly an experience to be repeated!

paddling on...

In the afternoon we took the opportunity to visit some sights in Val di Non, like the St. Romedio sanctuary, where they also had a captive bear, the animal that is always represented with the saint. A really sad sight, I must say - I think it’s a totally unnecessary add to the place…
Later on we also visited Thun castle and we concluded the day with a typical local dish, the Tortel -fried potato patties-.

I came back to Turin the day after -Monday- driving all along the Lake Garda -some spectacular views- and using the motorway just after arriving in Brescia, where the plains started…
All in all, a great week-end, with good company and good food.

Thanks to all who helped me visit the town and were so kind in putting me up for these 2 days!

[pix on google+]

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