Friday, 30 January 2015

First snow

30 January 2015

I've not been "out" or "about" this time, but just took some pics from my window  :-D
This is the first snow over here for this year... I just LOVE to hear the creaking sound snow makes under my shoes when I walk on it!

Enjoy  :-)

Just dawning

Snowy details

Snow over Scotland

Snowy cones 1 ...

... and 2

The sun IS coming out!

Snowy leaves

... and a snowy griddle.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

In search of the missing ice


Another nice walk in the Lanzo Valley, with Rosie and  Ila in a warm day... The phoen wind coming from the Susa Valley made today's temperatures rise to 21°C - a spring level for this area...
the snow is far far away... the ice-falls are those 3 dots in the distance...
 We found the ice-falls at the end of the trail, but they're pretty flimsy...

ther is ice after all...

The walk was easy and pleasant and we ended it with a nice meal at the Val Servin family restaurant - nice people, nice atmosphere, nice food and cheap prices - a good end to a good day!

wikiloc link


is it spring already?

Rosie tries to put her boots to good use :)

a stunning day...

... with stunning skies

and my lovely wife :)

Monday, 5 January 2015

Val Susa


Second hike in 4 days since the start of the year - it must be a good omen! ;-)

This time I was in the Susa Valley with my wife and a couple of friends, and the trail started in Bousson and ended at the Capanna Mautino hut, where we had a much welcomed lunch.

It was a fantastic sunny day, pretty warm for the season, and slightly windy. We found some snow on the trail and towards the top of the mountain, and lots of thick ice spots along the road. My portable crampons (anti-slip soles) did their job pretty well - I can surely recommend them for just such an occasion. I may not cross a glacier on them, but for ice on the trail they just do the trick.
Spiky Plus from Petzl

I recorded the trail on wikiloc:

To sum the day up - good company, good trail, great weather, food ok.

Here are some pix of the day.

snow has already melted in the lower parts of the trail

ice on the water

the sun's peeping through

that's me, with the Norwegian hat

a view of the Chaberton mountain

food, at last! :-p

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Lunch at the Barfe' Refuge


A nice start of the New Year - a short walk on the mountains with lunch at the Barfe' Ref (Angrogna Valley) in the good company of friends.

The day was a glorious sunny day, warm in spite of the low temperatures - around 0° C.
The walk took about one hour on a snowless trail - just what was needed to prepare the stomach for the excellent Barfe' food. Same way down to help digestion, and the absorpion of the wine and liquor of the after-lunch...

Great food, good walk, great company, lots of laughter - really the year could not have started any better...

Here some pix of the day :-)

some icy spots on the stream

a beautiful sunny day

a woodpile...

...and an old wood-saw



icy water

in sight of the refuge

a view from the refuge

the beautiful mountains surrounding the refuge

ice in the fountain

winter :-)